#17 - #18 - #19 | 19-21.03.2021

So all of these are bunched into one devlog because I've been so busy with my game for the Mundane game jam that I just couldn't even think about having to write a devlog. But I guess the biggest news is that I've finished the game! Well, I thought I had. I rushed all of today to get it finished to submit this evening, then when I go onto the jams page I see it's only due tomorrow... Sooo, I guess more time for bug fixing 😅


  • Added a level 3!
  • Added all the music and sound effects
  • Made the patients semi-solid so you can't just walk right through them
  • Added an actual end to the game. It now ends at level 6
  • Added a sprint for the player
  • You now lose the game if your total number of deaths is equal to 10.
  • Added a menu
  • Gave the game a name! It's now called "Code Blue". Not very good, but it's what I could think of at the time...

I'll let you know when It's up tomorrow so you can check it out!

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